MSA Heads into space!

Mars Society Australia member Dr Steve Hobbs has commenced a Mars Society Australia project that would enable Steve that would fly a cubesat, most likely from the ISS.

The cubsat would carry a red edge spectrometer and demonstrate the technology for future application to planetary cubsat and rover missions and for Earth observation.  It builds on previous experience with flying payloads from high altitude balloons in near space conditions. 

The project would be in partnership with the Centre for Cubesats, UAVs, and their Applications. More details can be found on their website -

An Australian national agency, Geoscience Australia, has also contributed funding towards this project.

The Mars Society Australia needs further donations from members and supporters to help get this new mission into space. 

The project goal is to have the cubesat ready to fly by the end of 2021.


MSA      MSA

To be involved in this project, simply click on the "Donate" button on the MSA website. Details of all contributors will be flown with the mission. plus we'll be recognizing all school contributions and details of individuals who contribute $50 and over on the MSA supporter's profile page

All contribution to the MSA are 100% tax deductible in Australia.